I have ordered 60 Liters of Cola twice this month.

I don't like the taste of Coffee but need the Coffeeine :D

  • 10
    Have you tried meth?
  • 6
    Have you tried matcha? Matcha is a Japanese form of green tea brewed from dried powder, much different from coffee and probably better for your health than coke
  • 10
    You know, you could get caffeine pills in order to take in way less sugar?

    That being said: Be careful, caffeine is also an addiction and you may get serious symptoms if you overdo it (heart racing, nervousness, anxiety, headaches).

    Also, your body will build a tolerance towards caffeine and if taken everyday, you will need higher and higher doses.

    Maybe, you should do a complete abstinence from caffeine for two weeks. Then the next small energy drink will have a powerful punch.
  • 4
    Teas also have caffeine and something light like a green tea is probably better for your health. Also so much caffeine is going to lead to addiction, which will make it worse since your body builds up tolerance to it and so needs more.

    While it's edgy and fun and all to overdose on cola when you're young, it's a pretty dumb thing to do overall and you can get the same effect without subjecting your system to all that.
  • 4
    I see nothing wrong with ordering it unless you drink it. Do you throw a lot of party this month?
  • 4
    Get coughing syrup - tussin
  • 2
  • 2
    Cokeain addicted like me. Some people suggest tea,caffein pill or something simillar but drinking that icy,carbonted fluid gimme more than just caffein, they re so fresh uhmm.
  • 2
    *caffeine, it's called caffeine ;)
  • 2
    Amphetamines? (Disclaimer: not a doctor)
  • 2
    And thats why you are going to be fat
  • 2
    @Floydimus Or maybe he should try Met...

    Metformin...welcome to Diabetic world
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