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    Vs code is faaar better than the shit ide i am forced to use in my work.
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    @ostream i dont know what drove you to this point, but I'm praying for your soul
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    People who brag about using vim are way worse than crossfitters, don't even try to change my mind.
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    @msdsk When some people feel like they are in the woods when using vim, it obviously feels amazing to regularly use it, let alone blaze through vim commands. But there is a point where vim gets tiring sometimes.
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    that's.. that's a bit harsh 😢
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    "My life is way better since I stopped using it"

    Sometimes I wonder if these kinds of admissions are really about something else...
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    unpopular opinion: She's pretty and most of her followers are simps. Not saying that she is not skilled. She defo is, but she's also attractive and knowing what the woman to man ratio is in IT, I am certain that they are mostly simps.
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    So... like... an obligatory VIM comment?

    But seriously, you can use any editor nowadays and as long as it supports LSP and DAP you get 85% of VSC functionality without the crappy part.

    I've described how to use language servers and debuggers with VIM here but most editors will work (even Notepad++ has a plugin): https://stackoverflow.com/questions...
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