
C++, Python, Ruby 😍😍

  • 9
    Imagine what PHP would look like... Hahaha
  • 0
    My High School offered Java, C++ and Visual Basic.

    Me: **Takes Advanced Java and C++**
    Teacher: "I wouldn't waste a class on Visual Basic it'll be really boring for you"
    Me: "Give me all the code you got!"

    ...My face for an entire semester of visual basic -_-
  • 3
    Is their anyone still uses visual basic?
    Last time I used it was in 2011 or 2012
  • 2
    @SaqrWare Yes, had to use it to connect an excel sheet to a company website, it's like death, but worse
  • 1
    @SaqrWare lol graduated high school in 2011. I hope VB is dead by now
  • 1
    I code in vb.net everyday for work and for fun. I love it and have no problem with. I find it fast fun and reliable.
  • 1
    how about lisp? Stick a colon before every parenthesis and you've got loads of smiley faces (and errors. Lisp doesn't like smiley faces...)
  • 1
    On that pic I would go with Ruby yummy
  • 0
    C++ too complicated

    Python is patient zero of the Python disease, got together with yaml and spread it.

    Visual basic..... *ehrm*, just no.

    So by process if elimination it's ruby. A bit slow but otherwise very attractive.
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