It's well known that Amazon uses robots in their warehouses, but I had no idea that they stock them randomly? They just put new products wherever they fit best, scan the box (obviously) and once finished, the robot just drives off on his merry way to god knows where.

And since this is Amazon, they spend the time and money to optimize the entire process in every aspect so this *is* the most efficient way to store (and later pick) products in definitely.

It is kind funny, with all the precise machinery, optimized processes and 1984 like surveillance of their employees, it turns out that distributing things randomly is the most efficient way to run an Amazon warehouse. Like, no AI, or something based on ratings or on historic trends. Just random.

(Link to video https://youtube.com/watch/...)

  • 3
    It's anything but Random.

    The amount of thought process that goes in to build such tech is massive.
  • 2
    Its not only amazon. The chaotic system is used by any bigger company, because the system where everything has its place makes only sense in smaller companies.
  • 1
    If you don't come to the shelf, the shelf comes to you!

  • 4
    simple tetris
  • 0
    @nebula three dimensinal tetris
  • 2
    I highly doubt it's random; if the process was well thought out, it would be a Tetris like space optimisation that dictates where each item goes at given times.
  • 0
    @Berkmann18 well,they claim it is random
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