Thought i would share this promising little tool with you guys and gals.

It's called fman and its a new take on a file manager that seems inspired by Sublime Text.

It leaves Alpha 1st March and will be heavily discounted for 2 days (can't say how much but it's significant).


  • 0
    @dark0 Where did you get that from?

    It's a file manager not a text editor, it's also not web based either.
  • 4
    This looks like the file management equivalent to Atom.

    Might be worth a download.
  • 0
    @stryter It's nothing like Atom, that's like me saying it's the dark souls of file management apps.

    Also Sublime was the inspiration for Atom as it created the command pallette that you draw comparison from.
  • 0
    @LeFlawk None taken, it's not my app.
  • 0
    Me want f woman! Me angry!
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