Anyone out there a Scala fan? I am! Seems like most of the stories here are quite negative but positively is my thing so here's my 2 cents:

Scala is an amazing data processing language. It's a functional language with a lot of really great things like a consistent collection library api, case classes, brilliant async library's like Akka Actors, and plenty of solid learning resources like Twitter school and Martin Odersky's online course.

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    The problem with scala is that it allows you to write bad code easily.

    Anyways with great power comes great responsibility!
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    I think you could say that about any language though. Are you referring to styling perhaps? Then use scalastyle to catch those issues at compile time.
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    I'd really love to learn and use Scala but there's nearly no jobs with it for a junior, and I see no point in going with it on small-scale personal apps 😢
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