
Double rantury!

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    I made an entire flow chart and shared here only for this fag to tag his post wrong.

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    Assuming around 1.5 updoots on each comment, (11554 - 3151 * 1.5) / 200 = around 34 updoots per rant, not a shitposter.
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    @neeno check my last post.

    @theabbie gatekeeping much? OP is a shit poster.
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    @Floydimus I see, well I disagree with you there. I think this is appropriately tagged, the rant is not about the devrant community, it's about his own profile.

    Also pretty ironic that you mention @theabbie is gatekeeping when your flowchart starts with "do we want you to post on devrant?".
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    @theabbie according to you I have an average of 17.9 ++ per rant, which I seriously doubt is true. Most of my rants are shit and get less than 10++ 😂

    Would be cool to write a bot that calculates your ++ statistics, I might do that later
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    @neeno Too high and too low are both signs of shitposter, 10 - 50 is the safe range.
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    @theabbie nah, root has an avg of 146++ and clearly is not a shitposter. Problem is we're assuming the avg of ++ per comment is 1.5. I think in most cases it's more than that. I believe my comment ++ avg is around 2 or 3.
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    @neeno this is a meta post.

    Also, what I did was visualise the rules set by the creator of this community.

    Not come up with my own set of ideas to define some criteria.
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    @Floydimus nope, you said "do *we* want you to post?". Who's we? I assume that's the community, not the creators. Anyway, I get what you meant there, we don't want shit content around here.

    Might be a language barrier of mine (I had to look up gatekeeping to be sure of it's meaning), but I'd say @theabbie isn't gatekeeping any more than you are. If I understand correctly, you're attacking his statement that op is not a shitposter, but you stated that he is without having any more "authority" than @theabbie. So either both of you are gatekeeping or both of you are just voicing your opinions.

    Note: Authority is not the word I wanted, but it's the closest I could find. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words...
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    @neeno They're buddies, OP doesn't mind at all
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    @theabbie didn't know that. It's just that floyd seemed a bit aggressive and hypocritical in his comment
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    @neeno ah! I read your first comment wrong. My bad.

    And I totally get your point and it's fair on your part to call me out on being a hypocrite.

    However, I was trolling OP and also that "do we want you to post" was more sarcastic than gatekeeping.

    And coming to Abbie's point on gatekeeping, again.. joking around because he did actually did that math to come up with a number so wanted to say that number should be higher because scoring few thousand karma is lot more easier with shit posting than quality content these days.
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    @Floydimus lol, in that case I'm sorry, I didn't get the sarcasm :p

    Anyway, everything's good then :)
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