
!rant I don't understand how a lot of you guys can work 10-14 hours a day! I see a lot of those messages and it makes me wonder if I am a lazy dev or something. After 8 hours of working I'm just exhausted and wanting to go home to my family :/

  • 1
    You're not alone. Feel the same way
  • 0
    I work with at work, but 8 do occasionally dev at home too
  • 6
    Companies will bleed you for all you have if you're not careful. You could be working 60 hours and most companies will not reward you for it. You have one life, work is work, family is more important. Only ever work extra hours when learning something new, following a particular area of passion or the occasional deadline. Deadline cramming is unavoidable in our line of work. If it is a constant thing, try find a new job.
  • 2
    I do 8hrs at work, then I do N hours at home on my own projects if I have any and feel motivated.
  • 1
    You are definitely not alone. I have great intentions most days going home and working on personal projects. It happens rarely.
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    Stereotype: Computer scientists (programmers) are all 40+ year old virgins who live in their parents basement/garage and therefore we do not have any family to go home to. Theyre antisocial and mostly introverts so what else is there for us to do aside from program 14+ hours/day?

    PS unless you fit the Stereotype exact you're not lazy and it's understandable to want to be with your family and be tired after spending 8 hours or so staring at a blue screen
  • 5
    There are also those who appear to work 10-14 hours to appease their managers, but only put in about 6 hours of solid work.
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    @tytho if that, I would say.
  • 2
    I do 5 hours work, 3 hours browsing the Internet/watching cat videos paid and about the twice of the latter unpaid.
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    A combination of hubris and the inability to listen to your own mind/body is helpful for putting in those 70 hour weeks.

    Reality will become apparent after some years, and the hubris will be replaced will a measure of humility and an awareness of ones own mortality.
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    When i work beyond my time, it's usually of my own volition. There's plenty for me to learn and try out, so i do just that. As long as it isn't a pain to me, i don't mind too much. Like i tell coworkers, I'd probably end up doing the same thing home anyways. I work from 9ish to anytime after 5
  • 2
    I do 8 hours of work and about 2-4 hours of my own work on my project at home.

    I wouldn't get paid overtime so I don't really want to necessarily work the extra hours, though it depends on the problem I get really into making a solution for something and sometimes forget the time, though I try to stop when I'm supposed to go home lol
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