
Symfony's book tutorials starts out way too invasive. For example:

Their CLI has a specific command for you to clone the book project's repository. This command won't run unless you have all their dependencies installed (including docker and yarn). In the end a good old fashioned git clone does the trick.

Next, before even writing a single loc, the book urges you to create a symfonycloud account and give them your credit card number.

Seriously what the hell.

Should I mail you a drop of my blood as well so you can check out my ancestry while I'm at it?

  • 1
    They don’t want your DNA, just your money. The deed to your house will work quite nicely.
  • 0
    @devphobe Sounds about right.
  • 1
    Stay with simple PHP implementation. I use bramus router and a mustache templating. Avoid SDKs as much as possible. Use a "functionized" curl post instead of bloated psr http clients. Borrow an ORM but not the whole framework. PDO is enough for small projects.
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