
Thinking to give services to people, I decided to make a fully customizable blog and publish a gig.
What price should I demand from users as a startup?

  • 6
    A blog as startup? In 2021? And then even for money? You're about 20 years too late to the party.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop I am a young man in this modern world, what do you expect
  • 2
    Lotta free-ish services out there for that.

    I suggest going out and singing up for them and looking at their features / costs to get a feel for the lay of the land.
  • 1
    Assuming you're talking about Web hosting, for a small site, you're looking at about $5 per month. For a larger site, supporting payments, integrations etc, you're looking at maybe $20 per month. Square is a good comparison. Making a profit on that is hard...
  • 2
    The situation is such that you may end up paying them to read your blogs
  • 0
    @atheist this might be good
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