omfg is that stupid !

  • 3
    Sadly its required for this problem.
  • 33
    Nice bookmarks
  • 4
    @DeepHotel man of culture I see
  • 7
    @DeepHotel quit talking to yourself
    I’m sorry I jerk off lol
  • 5
    @DeepHotel and why does everyone notice the term milf ? Lol
  • 8
    *hastily scribbles in reasons-to-avoid-Python-notebook*
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation yeah it is a weird thing to rediscover
    That you can’t specify a type inside the declaration of that type like every other language that uses oo

    Maybe they’ll fix it in python 4
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation I’m having a lot of trouble not weeping or punching someone today
  • 0
    @YouAllSuck Could it be related to the parsing of Python? Kind of like it needs to read and parse the complete class definition first until it can create a symbol for it.
  • 1
    They used to laugh at this in a silly fashion back in the days when this rather ridiculous crap was new

    But on the sinister side of their adjustments to the world it holds true
    They screwed every innocent person over they could and made it impossible for normal people to live and lied and lied and callously destroyed every persons faith in the other so anyone who knows what they are cannot feel that any human is approachable or trustworthy leading to feelings of isolation and the devaluing of every other human being
    And now here we are and they’re screwed and unhappy

    How short a period to time the lie lasted that made it possible for a good person to take the table scraps offered and how enduring is this newfound cyclical trap bordered by cynicism atheism and faithlessness and disloyalty and sheer selfish impulse fulfilled by unscrupulous subhuman creatures

  • 1
    @PonySlaystation yes. If you absolutly don't want to use this there is also the possible solution of an empty class with the same name:
    class Foo:
    """just an symbol"""

    class Foo(Bar):
    def __gt__(self, other: Foo):
    raise NotImplemented()
  • 0
  • 0
    @stop how does that not fuck up the interpreter ? That seems more like a bug than a convention !
  • 0
    I think LinkedIn is shit lol fuck multi choice questions people cheat on lol
  • 0
    Wonder why Zimmerman got so grumpy about me wanting to try both suse releases fucking anti joy asshole
  • 0
    Starting from 3.7, all you need to import future
  • 0
    Milf Alexis... what's the complete title?

    Asking for my friend who needs it for his studies.
  • 1
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- now confronted its oddly making me blush a tad LOL which is strange because modesty and embarrassment were totally banished from my personality for a very long time lol
  • 0
    God I hate being crazy and to clairify I mean being surrounded by crazy people that are making me crazy all over again
  • 0
    @stop wanna see another fun one ?

    i just think 1e-12 is pretty bad.
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