
People on stack overflow can be pretty rude at times 😶

  • 6
    Maybe you asked a question without seeing if the same question was already answered, or your question wasn't clear, or you didn't explain what you tried already, or didn't post example code.

    Stackoverflow isn't a forum; it's a Q&A site, and if your question is "it dsnt work help plz" you're not helping the community and you're not going to get help.
  • 2
    Agree mostly. Always check if questions were already asked, followed every guideline etc but my questions always got downvoted/closed etc.
  • 5
    @spongessuck Even if that may be the case, it doesn't justify rudeness. And yes, there is a certain problem in how esp. newbies are treated at times because they as of yet don't know how to handle the site.

    I think large amounts of newbies and hence driven of so, or are using it read-only. Which is a shame.
  • 4
    It has a lot of users now.. not everyone is going to be as understanding from all of them.

    As long as you get an answer, you don't really need to be pissed because of the downvotes!
  • 3
    @k0pernikus Maybe part of that is misunderstanding what Stackoverflow is, but there are tons of prompts to help use it properly, and if you aren't R-ing-TFM, I don't feel bad for you.
  • 1
    Ive personally had very good experiences on stack overflow, with any critiques beginning with "welcome to stack overflow! Not to say there are rude people there also.
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    I think there are two main groups of "new poster" that I come across in the review queue. Firstly those who are good-intentioned but maybe don't quite understand how SO works - posting broader questions, or are missing the relevant bits of code. Those folks I encourage to edit their questions to include the missing bits.

    Then you have those who have blatantly out no effort into googling their problem or copy-pasting their homework assignment verbatim. Those I just flag and move on.
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  • 3
    @spongessuck This lack of empathy and your very statement of not feeling sorry for one if one does not behave a certain way sounds very apologetic to rude behavior. Even worse, I read you as if you are saying that if somebody behaves a certain way it's their problem if you are rude to them because they hence "deserve" it. Is this was you are saying or am reading too much into your statement?
  • 2
    "People can be pretty rude at times." there, I fixed it. 8.7 million users in SO. Respect the community and most people will help you. There will always be jerks.
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