
Clients website got cloned and has now demanded the right click, highlighting text should be disabled.

I can't find a pillow to scream into.

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    You might be able to do this by interrupting the context menu
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    Couldn’t they just get cloned by someone writing an http enabled client app ? By using electron for example ?
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    @N00bPancakes @YouAllSuck oh I've given them every reason under the sun why doing this is really bad.

    And also why it won't stop anyone from cloning a website if they want to.

    But obviously Mr CEO bossman knows best.
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    I don’t think it will stop someone from cloning their site but here’s a relevant but Oninformation for the same repeat post
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    Put zero-space character sequences encoded to identify your website in texts just so they can be used against those who steal, and let the rest publicly shame thieves. Won't help if they cut unknown characters beforehand.
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    wont solve the cloning issue though,

    I wonder if placing a transparent overlay over paragraphs of text or the whole page will work,

    context menu isnt the only way people copy content from sites though, there's the keyboard shortcuts, preventing highlighting is the first step
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    I feel for you. You should tell them they need to go after the clones MSP. Inform them they are breaking the law and a are already seeking legal representation.

    That shit will be shut down in a day or two once legal sends a CnD.
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    CEO makes the cal and they pay... then you do it.

    Not your site.
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    @vintprox How does this work?
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    @ilechuks73 This doesn't stop anyone. The site added an overlay? Oh no, now I may have to change one or two lines between curl and the html parser.
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    @ilechuks73 you can just drop a JavaScript script into the inspect mod of your favorite web browser and extract everything

    Or use a headless browser

    Or use electron

    There is always a way with web
    Unless you’re drawing an svg in which case there is a screenshot and ocr lol

    Web sucks for content protection and if they’re so worried they shouldn’t put it on the web !

    Correction web sucks period
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    @deadlyRants by overlay you mean a transparent div or something else ?

    Yeah still can extrac the text with js lol
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    Does this site require a sign in ?
    Is it dynamic ?
    Context is annoying me a little here

    What would they be housing that was so accessible someone could clone the data and this would be an issue for them ?
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    maybe at the end of this ridiculous fraud they'll drop an atom bomb somewhere or send in a mil unit to slaughter a couple million people and use this farse to explain how and why it happened.
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    Not hard to do, but a total nonsense for the usability of their website. Finally the clones would get better SEO 🤷🏻
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    All major browsers have integrated full-featured Debugging toolsets now.
    So even the regular dummy user can easily circumvent disabled text highlighting and context menu.

    Show your client, how easy it actually is:
    Perform the actual act of copying text using the debug pane and element inspector live on his desk or via screen sharing in the same browser he is using.
    It is one hotkey + a few clicks. That should convince him about the futility of his request.
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    Does he not know that any website can be cloned no matter what?

    There are laws to prevent that.

    Stop caring, start Suing
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    Killing the UX of a product in an attempt to protect it from being copied, which doesn‘t work anyway...

    A classic dumbass decision made by morons who should have listened to the experts instead.
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    @Demolishun So, zero-space character sequences may be used to mask the provenance footsteps, because the thief most likely won't notice it before arguing in the court of law that it's their content, let alone find a proper algorythm to decode it to something that can be traced to them. Who has less sophisticated decoding pattern wins the case. At least, it's what I would explain to the lawyer, because lawyers do the talking in court.
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    @Demolishun Ah right... If the thief finds out this sequence, they'll do their thing, which will draw such evidence from both parties useless.
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    @Demolishun have fun with it: https://komsciguy.com/misc/...
    To avoid visible suspicion, I recommend using zero-width characters only on the ends of complete word+punctuation, and use only few to avoid unforeseen character limit after paste.
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