
Help me DevRant people, can you suggest any style, technique, tips in making your own personal websites?

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    @KnightsOfCode well, i'm just asking any tips that could help me.
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    @norman70688 tried it, not so great. Haaa!
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    @KnightsOfCode maybe that's some kind of a tip either way, thanks for that.
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    Just use a WYSIWYG editor and drop what you like in ...
    I'll be going now ...
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    @putnam Search for some awarded websites and inspire yourself
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    Seriously though, creating a Web site is art. The screen is your canvas, and code is your brush. A Web site should be easy on the eyes, have a natural flow that directs the viewers eyes to where you want them to look. Things should be easy to find. A lot of Web Devs don't do that, and the end result is an eye straining mess of noisy content that forces the viewer to work for what they want.
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    All you guys are awesome! Thanks to all of you devrant buddies!
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