Question for all you wise neck beards:
I was talking with my boss in his office (I'm an intern), and he was saying one thing I need to work on is making more accurate estimates for when a project will be done. He asked if it was just an attempt to "paint a rosey picture" and asked if I was just afraid to be honest, to which I answered definitely not, I just didn't realize I was being that inaccurate. Any suggestions on how I can correct this? I feel like if I just overestimate by a lot i'm just going to give off a lack of confidence, but I also don't want my boss to think I am just lazing around and not working as hard as I could. Feel like I am in a pickle here.

Also, what are some tips you guys have for staying Focused/Productive? I do a pretty good job as it is, but any more advice would be handy :D

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

  • 2
    When I'm preparing an estimate I break it down into smaller estimate in days.

    Refining Requirements
    Designing Solution
    Project Management (attending meetings, emails, teleconferences, usually estimate at 10% of rest of estimate).

    For the development category, before I provide it I break down the individual development tasks and provide estimates in hours for each one to help calculate an overall development estimate.
  • 1
    Also missed off

    Data migration
    Post go-live support (if needed)
  • 5
    You can always apply this formula:
    timeToFinish = yourEstimation x PI
  • 1
  • 2
    Because a project "always" takes about 3 times longer than expected. ; )
  • 0
    @chrippe I see but why pi? Just easier to write? But wait 3 is easier the Pi
  • 1
    It was supposed to be fun.
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