Every single time a cool electronic device comes out, that connects to an API. The nerd in me can’t resist getting on a 3 month waiting list to get said gadget. I impatiently wait. I get gadget. It’s usually cool but never as cool as the marketing made it seem….thats not the rant yet.

Within 2 year the company is gone and i’m left with a $500-$1,000 paperweight that doesn’t work anymore.

This has happened to every single device I have bought that wasn’t from a billion $ company.

These companies would rather screw everyone over instead of simply making the backend of product open-source so people that use the product can at least try to get it working again.

My 1st rant. Sorry in much better in real life at bitching about things 😎

  • 3
    As a fellow gadget nerd, I grok this. I can’t imagine how much wealthier I’d be without all the useless toys.
  • 5
    This is why I never buy into hype or cloud based products.

    IOT devices that rely on private cloud services are bullshit.

    Should be a law stating if you go out of business, all your software to run the devices must be made pubic.
  • 1
    What gadget exactly was that?
  • 1
  • 0
    lesson: don't be an early adopter
  • 1
    I too identify with this. But the occasional gold nugget makes it worth it imo, plus it's just fun.
  • 0
    I buy a lot (A LOT) of useless hardware. But I always check this before buying something. I don't care about the *cloud*. If I can't run it offline, I ain't buying it. Period.
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