Aways wondered how developers are different from programmers. Developers write programs and combine them together to develop an application. It Isn’t true?

  • 0
    programmers usually write logic, there is no difference as nobody hires just a programmer, they will have to develop complete software.
  • 20
    Programmer = asshole that writes code

    Developer = asshole that writes code

    Engineer = asshole that writes code with a degree

    Same shit, different name.
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    @C0D4 your answer is the only answer he needs
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    @C0D4 trust me. I'm an engineer
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    Some programmers are in god mode hence: degreelessness.
  • 6
    @iiii 😅

    My job title = engineer, I have no degree. I guess my own rules don't apply to me.
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    @Demolishun wait, I'm in godMode. Finally, I'm a god. Now down to your new lord and saviour 🥳
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    @C0D4 in my country there's no title of a software engineer whatsoever so I am no software engineer either. And I don't even have a software diploma anyway: it's applied math.
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    @iiii that's more then me.
    your closer to an engineer then I can ever be on this scale.

    @Demolishun my childhood hero.
    IDDQD if I remember correctly 👀
  • 1
    @Demolishun Epic Doom midi music playing in my head...
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    @C0D4 I have a degree, cant call myself an engineer though...
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    @C0D4 I'm the person around my asshole
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