9 am - 2:30 pm - customer mtng
2:45 pm - 3:25 pm - team mtng
3:30 pm - 5 pm - sprint planning mtng

Anyone ever literally be in a meeting the WHOLE day? ... 😢 🔫

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    customer meeting? are u a project manager?
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    @twist900 nope, developer. Our new product owners say they don't have time to sit down with the customers, so we have to do it ourselves.
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    @akd5010 wtf @ that nonsense
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    Yep. Do that quite often. Nice thing is that when a Customer schedules a meeting over lunch hours, it means pizza or sandwiches. I have no problems if they feed me. 😆
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    @iAmNaN I wouldn't have minded as much if they would have fed me...now I'm even more bummed lol
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    sounds like staff problems
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    You are not alone. I just realized I won't get a single line of code written today. Just meetings and other tasks all day. And just the other day I had a meeting about why I can't get much work done...
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    Constantly. So I started working remotely.... never have I achieved so much in such a short time. 👍🏼
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    @BishoDroid more like fragile, amiright?
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    @tommy exactly... Where code matters the least
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