The windows task bar is utterly retarded. That’s it. That’s the rant.

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  • 2
    It doesn't usually have any delays for me
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    It’s changing..
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    *standing ovation*
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    Normally I dislike most of Windows UI. But the task bar is the one things that is really good. And better than on any other OS that I have been using.
    I’m really curious why you think that it’s retarded.
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    @Lensflare lmao what? You like that flickering excuse for a pile of crap. How many times does it disappear when you run a game?
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    @hashedram every time when running full screen, not otherwise. Is your gpu ok?
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    @hashedram exactly 0 times over the span of countless years of gaming on Windows. :)
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    @electrineer it’s not me. Every user I know observes this in almost every windows machine. The taskbar is just designed shittily. Sometimes it doesn’t receive triggers from when the OS shifts away from full screen.

    If you’ve never noticed this, you probably haven’t used windows much at all.
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    @hashedram I haven't noticed that ever. And I've used windows for ages.
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    Maybe I had it flicker some time in Windows xp
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