
How is it okay for elders to swear but not for kids? Kids are gonna learn to swear someday anyways 🙄

  • 6
    The problem is not kids swearing, the problem is kids not knowing that it's actually not formal language.
  • 4
    what does anyone gain by swearing for no reason? it's perfectly fine to swear when hurt or feeling pain, whether kid or not.
  • 1
    There is nothing charming about a 4 year old kid that shouts "fuck you, moterfucking asshole!!" to the other kid that just stole his or her toy.

    This should be obvious, but since I am waiting for a build I might as well write it: kids don't know when it's right and when it's wrong to swear. Sometimes grown-ups don't know either, though.
  • 1
    It's kinda not ok for the elders either, at least it used to not be.
  • 0
    @devdiddydog The problem there is not swearing, the problem is insulting.

    I don't have a problem if anyone swears when it is not insulting, not to God and not to humans. I don't see a problem when anyone says words like "fuck".
  • 0
    @happygimp0 You don't see a problem with a child saying "This icecream is fucking awesome"?

    I swear way too much, and I know it doesn't sound too good. As an adult you can use it to make a point in the right context and that's ok. But it just does not sound well coming from a child that's all.
  • 1
    Swearing is fucking shit, and people who do it are cunts
  • 0
    @devdiddydog I don't see a problem there. What do you think is the problem there? Fuck is just a word like every other word.
  • 0
    @happygimp0 Because words have meanings. Yes they are all an array of characters, but the order they are in makes a difference.

    According to your theory there are no racist / insulting / derogatory words either then. Because they are just words! If I said your comment was stupid or interesting - does that not make a difference?
  • 0
    @devdiddydog I don't see a significant different meaning in "This icecream is fucking awesome" and "This icecream is very awesome".
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