Working in my first "modern" website, a personal blog. Holy fscking crap does this shit suck. Layout and CSS etc is basically a trial and error gig at best. There is no rhyme or reason. Why?!?!

  • 2
    Tweak it in Chrome inspector until you like it, then copy that to your stylesheet.
  • 1
    Or just do what everyone else does, and use bootstrap and be done with it.
  • 1
    Welcome to hell mate, you should have stayed in backend and live happy forever.
  • 0
    Use bootstrap or materialize or whatever. It doesn't have to be this way.
  • 4
    Welcome to front-end, please take a seat. But be careful, it only has three legs, one is actually a brick and it only works if you're a white Caucasian male. But doesn't it look great.
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