Fuck this new fad of forcing you to open a new tab when you click on a link. I already have 40+ tabs do you think I need another fucking tab just for your shitty homepage? If I wanted to do that I would just fucking use command (cntrl) click. Stop forcing me. And fuck google especially for making this a thing with google drive and switching between accounts. I mean why the fuck do I need a tab of just the idiotic sheets homescreen (the one that doesn't even include my sheets)? And if I want to switch accounts why do you open the new account in a new tab? I don't want to have my old account up I wanted to switch that's why it's called switch accounts

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    Disclaimer: I do realize there are some valid use cases for defaulting to open in a new tab but it's become way more widespread than that
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    I personally don't mind , I think I have over 60 tabs open in one window and god knows how many in the other one , I like having each link I open from google open a new tab really , I get to have the search in that one tab and the interesting links in other tabs :))
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    @adracea I do the same thing - what I'm talking about is when someone forces me to open in a new tab. For instance if you go to google sheets, and click on go to sheets, it opens in a new tab. WHY. There's absolutely nothing useful on the first page!
  • 2
    Interestingly, I find myself more so infuriated when pages DONT open in new tabs. Then again, I'm not a tab hoarder like most xD
  • 2
    @boomi Why??? Cntrl/cmd click is a thing
  • 1
    @AngryDev every click counts ;)
  • 4
    Bro. Middle-Click.
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