
Being a mentor stresses me a bit. It was nicer to work alone without the need of assigning tasks to someone else.

Quite an underwhelming rant. I know. I don't have much to rant about.

  • 2
    I've got at least 5 "help! fix my code" messages to respond to
  • 0
    @ilechuks73 I get this messages without being a mentor. Also, we aren't supposed to be fixing code we didn't write.
  • 1
    The hardest thing is when they don't even try, or when they ask for feedback on pure trash and then ignore 90% of feedback, merge, and then later since it doesn't actually work you have to redo it all.
  • 3
    I relate to this. As if my own work wasn't stressful enough. Now I also gotta worry about and make sure Bob, Dick and Harry also have something to do.

    The worst part is you can't complain because they'll tell you tHaT's gRoWTh. Do YoU nOt wAnT tO bE pRoMoTeD?
  • 0
    Right in the feels
  • 0
    I look forward to the day when i will have a mentoree to teach him everything needed to seem busy, but don't do shit until explicitly be asked to
  • 1
    @bananaerror I don't wanna be a manager actually. I would prefer being a tech lead instead. Not having people as my main concern is the best option.
  • 0
    @Crost he seems decent so far, but it's still a chore for me.
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