
My superpower: having the flu will not affect me whatsoever...but it will get everyone else in my vicinity SICK af.

Which is why my sexy ass was sent home since Monday and I have been living life at home this week. I haven't taken a vacation in so long, and this feels nice. HR fucked up and their dumbasses said I was not "cleared" to work from home. Yet I have over 200 hours accumulated of sick leave.

My department is in flames because I am needed there. Of course, every other department thinks I don't do shit all day, the only one that knows how much I do is my boss, bless him. But for every other motherfucker that thinks that I am here just playing with my thumbs all day: eat shit...und die.

  • 1
    Wait, the flu is still a thing?
  • -1
    So you have Covid which is the flu
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    Your superpower is the reason why it managed to spread throughout the world. I think it's a superpower of the virus to exploit your body, not yours.

    Wtf does accumulated sick leave even mean.
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    @rutee07 this is why we are friends lmao! A friend from work says the exact same thing for multiple things like these
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    @killames COVID-19 and Influenza Type B are not the same thing. I have influenza, not covid.
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    @electrineer "it is a superpower of the virus to exploit your body, not yours" huh?

    Accumulated sick leave: Every pay period we get X number of hours to use in case we get sick. If we get sick, sick leave hours kick in and we do not get Y amount of money taken from our paycheck.

    Since I seldom get sick to the point in which I need to leave I have a fuckload of hours.
  • 2
    @AleCx04 i just need to go to the doctor and he writes 4 pieces of paper for me. One for my health insurance with the sickness, one that basicly says that im sick from date x to date y for my employer, one for himself and one for me. The first few weeks i get my pay as usual, after that an insurance covers it.
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    @AleCx04 the virus knows how to not trigger your immune system, allowing you to stay on the network and contaminate other hosts. You're the weak link in the network.
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    @stop in my organization the insurance kicks in after the sick leave hours are depleted. I don't like it really. But eh, I don't give too much care for it.
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    @electrineer ah so if everyone else gets sick, but I don't then I am the weak one.

    Got it, that logic makes absolute sense to me.
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    @AleCx04 it’s ok
    When facing a fictional death we all hit a point of denial
    I’m sorry you caught Covid
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