
There's nothing like finishing the build for a 4 month project, send it for testing and then there's change requests that fundamentally change what the fuck you built.

Some days a good bottle of bourbon or 5 are needed. 😤🥃

  • 3
    The point of agile specifically is to avoid that from happening
  • 4
    @electrineer Most of the times it's not the management workflow which is broken, rather the humans involved in it....

    Aka: You can change the workflow however you like, it cannot fix the dumbness.

    @C0D4 💩
  • 2
    @electrineer watergile then 🤡

    I'm always open to changes, but when it's core behaviour and process changes that should have been conceptualised earlier on rather then after the fact, and there's been several meetings over the time to do progress updates which all would have been a great opportunity to shift the build in a different direction, I'd accept that. But finishing the build after all those checkpoints and plenty of time to have a change of mind... that just ruins the effort achieved.
  • 0
    @C0D4 that's why one of the core principles of agile is:

    Deliver working software frequently (weeks rather than months)
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