Client : we need a better captcha system.

  • 2
    What is the answer to this?
  • 2
    Too easy!
  • 4
    Great idea to keep plebs off your site!

    @jakobev It's 123760.
  • 38
    There you go.
  • 10
    @darkfire000 You're not a robot.
  • 12
    @ReliantFever735 It seems that you have made a typo it should read:
    "Make sure you are a robot with advanced mathematical OCR"
  • 0
    Not so hard as I thought but I never had this in school
  • 36
    @darkfire000 definitely a robot
  • 10
    What if the login page times out until the person has solved the integral ?Then the customer support will Fuck them even more.
  • 1
    How is this math called?
  • 8
    @darkfire000 That's waaay too much work. By looking at it, the antiderivative of the integrand is (5y + 9)^4 (that factor of 20 seems to be intentional to make it easier), so the value of the integral is 19^4 - 9^4 = 123760.
  • 3
    @jakobev Integral calculus.
  • 2
    @jlave215 thank you
  • 1
    User like me.
  • 2
    Ooooh snap is this an implicit attack on all the sheeple out there? :P
  • 2
    @jlave215 I realised that afterwards :P
    It has been a while since I did integral calculus, so I just used the simple and obvious way. You could also just substitute the 5y +9 which would make it a lot shorter.
  • 4

    integrate 20*(5y+9)^3 dy from y=0 to 2

    x = 123760
  • 1
    @zedchoo Calculators are for noobs. Pros calculate this without wolfram.
  • 1
    @darkfire000 all are n00bs without math phd. tools can be used however.
  • 0
  • 4
    I haven't done calculus since 2012...I wanted to prove to myself that "I still got it" by figuring out the answer...after an hour, I found my mistake of "derivatives multiply by the reciprocal of (1 + exponent), not just a straight multiply of (1 + exponent)" ....but I eventually got it lol 😃
  • 0
    Well actually querying WolframAlpha, this is not such difficult for a script.
    If you really want to undermine a computer you have to ask questions like "what is the capital of USA?"
  • 2
    5y+9 = u, 5 dy = du, dy = du/5. No need to take the long way. Just a quick replacement
  • 0
    But this one is too simple 😆
  • 0
    @avorraim or use binomial expansion to open (5y+9)^3 in 1 step to
    125y^3 + (3C2)25*9y^2 + (3C1)5*81y + 9^3
  • 3
    Y'all did it the long way (sorry for shitty focus, I have tiny writing)
  • 1
    @epsilongreedy still to long.

  • 3
    This is precisely what robots are good at, and what takes humans long, so its sort of counterproductive
  • 0
    Really... A math problem to a math creature? Wolfram alpha ftw
  • 0
    You math geeks 😒
  • 1
    @crisz I think it would have to be much harder question where answer would have to be obtained from context.
  • 1
    @zedchoo Umm... This was taught in highschool. No maths PhD needed. It is one of the basics for Newtonian physics calculations, certain chemistry calculations (rate of reaction, radioactivity, etc.) and of course maths. Trust me, you can learn the basics of calculus in 30-60 mins depending on how fast you can learn.
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