
I created simple Snake game as Easter Egg 🐍

  • 1
    So you were behind YouTube's easter egg
  • 0
  • 1
    In what program/page?
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    @redstonetehnik Helmet Updater, it was in small project for rFactor league. It's not available for download to everyone - only for this league players. As you can propably tell, it had to update helmets of drivers from server and it had ability to upload player's helmet update.
  • 1
    @athlon nice! I guess this is some kind of driving (racing)?
  • 0
    @redstonetehnik Yeah, they were using Formula 1 2016 mod.

    Also to access this mod you had to click on small pixel on bottom right corner. It even had Tetris music (highly illogical, I know) playing from computer's built in beeper! 😀
    And if you eat more - snake is getting faster and faster
  • 1
    Lol niceXD
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