
golang == js
ok not literally but its basic syntax is similar

  • 3
    Not quite, I think Rust is more JS then Golang

    But then again, everything is a derivative of JS these days to reduce the learning curves 🤷‍♂️
  • 9
    Who would have thought that C-like languages are similar in syntax. Who would have thought...
  • 2
    Java = Javascript
  • 2
    Golang is so far away from js and java.
  • 1
    Yeah I’m not so sure lol. Golang does things very differently than JavaScript. With folders being entire modules automatically with no need to import in the same folder, channels and go routines (syntax), multiple returns, and forced naming conventions/indentation style/docs?

    I’d argue that JavaScript only gives you enough to have the capacity to read it and get the jist
  • 1
    Your mind just try to find some patterns. Someone who know other languages like dart, cpp will relate with them more.
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