When you're told something, how many times do you have to be told before you are personally convinced?

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    Depends on how convinced I am of the opposite or how much bias and/or uncertainty I have.
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    Hey when I tell you the world has been willfully allowed to slip into a state of absolute shit would you believe me ?
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    And speaking of shut that I’m taking a crap in the same bathroom as we speak
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    R - Response

    R - "Okay".

    You convinced me. Now do whatever workflow needs to be done.

    R - "Again?"

    I was convinced before - but seems like you didn't do whatever workflow was needed to be done. I'm not your mama nor do I want to do your job, so do the workflow and leave me alone.

    R - "Hmm."

    Not convinced at all. I'm waiting that there's more than hot air coming, otherwise I'll forget it in the next secs.

    R - "You sure about that?"

    Less than convinced. Pretty sure it will end in a hot glue mess.

    R - "Yeah..."

    You didn't convince me the last time, nor the time before, neither the times before that. Change the LP, it's tiring.

    R - "As if"

    Don't lie to me. And yes, you're lying right now.

    R - "Ain't nobody got <XY> for that"

    Keep the idea realistic. Don't expect me to turn into a fairy godmother because your plan involves magic.

    R - "For fucks sake, is it so hard to understand?"

    We're past the point of lying and it seems to me you're living in your own fantasy world and reasoning isn't possible anymore.

    R - "let me find the address of the employment agency and show you the door".

    As the wise teletubbies said: Uh-Oh.
    Whatever you did to piss me off, congratulations. You were successful.
    I'm convinced that you leaving the company is the best option.
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    To explain my answer... If you're listening, you can figure it out by your own and make our life much easier.
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    I am never convinced.
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    I specifically don't believe in Facebook law. 3 or 300 or any number really people saying something doesn't make it true.
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    @iiii cant think of an example atm. I was trying to keep it as general as possible though.
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