
The logo of devRant should be :\ instead of :/

  • 4
  • 7
    fuck backslashes!! hate them from windows: c:\
    ugly AF
  • 2
    @gedankennebel You can use both for paths though
  • 6
    You must exclusively use windows. In most programming languages the \ is an escape character, which makes cross-platform paths a pain in the but because for windows you have to put "\\" and everywhere else you put "/". Standards Microsoft, standards!
  • 1
    @iam13islucky its ugly and feels wrong
  • 3
    @STRINIX What feels wrong about it? "\" feels wrong to me because I have to escape it. It is the escape character in many programming languages and operating systems. Windows is the outlier here.

    This is how I have to write paths in my software to be cross platform:
    Windows path:

    Everything else path:

    In reality I use standard libraries to join the paths for me, but still, just a pain in the butt because Windows wanted to be a special snowflake
  • 0
    @STRINIX the way it is here is exactly how I've typed that face since I first started using emoticons. :/
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    @iam13islucky its the opposite for me lol
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    @STRINIX plus, on the Google keyboard that came with my Nexus 6p, the / is on the first page of symbols, the \ is on the second one. It's like that on most phones I've used, so / is easier and faster. I type that emoticon all the time
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