so does anyone know about various social media clients that are true bots and not ones that actually register with the service but just emulate a web browser and fill in parts of the rendered dom and press buttons and shit ? i really don't want to have to write one in electron.

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    sigh why someone hasn't made a visual tool to pick apart an interface and build a map of commands and actions to automate interacting with a web page i have no idea.
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    Yes, and I'd also like a toilet made out of gold.
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    There was one ai-bot from microsoft, but that went down quickly.
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    I wrote one in python some years ago. The site was tracking the interaction so I had to move the cursor, click on the field and type the data, then save the records and scroll and press next.
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    @blindXfish wow the gov doesn't write data portals that pay that close of attention !
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    @AvatarOfKaine apparently the property selling website does a lot of attention to prevent you from downloading the publicly available data... I wanted to know all the available houses and the data of the complete market for statistical investigation.
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    @blindXfish in my case i want it to be harder to identify a bot.
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    I like talking to you people in public.

    "Ich möchte deinen dicken Darm aufmachen und dein Schmalz ausschütten wie ein gestrandeter Wal, der von verdammten Hyänen gefressen wird. verdammter Kinderschänder."

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    @AvatarOfKaine you can simulate the user interaction. If you wish to fool a person you will need a bunch of randomness and chaotic stupid behavior :D In my case I had to fool an algorithm, it was fairly easy.
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    and finishing up several paragraphs later lol

    'Dann will ich sie vor deiner toten Leiche ins Gesicht vergewaltigen"
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    @blindXfish oh its not the person, its the site i want to fool. i don't want someone to simply run a query and know something is a bot rather than an idle user.
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    Record your interactions, timings and the x-y cordinates of interest/interaction. And then randomize the curzor movement by the data you have, add idle time, ease the movements and add random scrollings. Include clicking on randomly selected items. You can pretty much simulate a user. It's really interesting project actually :D you want to scrape data or post? Or do you want to develop one more annoying WordPress comment bot? Please don't..
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    @blindXfish lol i want to create control scripts to post and read responses based on their location on the page, like a human would. via visual organization.

    i was thinking of making an electron app which would inject js to add a series of event handlers to literally every element in the dom and then record things that led to a page refresh or navigation event to build scripts.
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    @AvatarOfKaine take a look at python beautiful soup. You can handle everything in one go, without touching js or anything else on the page.
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