I feel like we we not only 'advanced' various fields by pulling people off some lord of the flies island who only wanted to dance around with a severed pig head in reality and training them, but also depleted and destroyed many essential fields by removing all valid motivators from our environment by spreading so much cynicism and unguided lust for power over others in the absence of any of the unifying beliefs of former generations that the professions are going to implode in the years to come.

so I wasn't very experienced when i went to work some place years back. I'd worked on my own. and I was criticized by their 80k per year team lead as having 'only done some simple things'... when his project didn't work, and par for the course their criticisms were coming from people who took a standard backend on a very large project that actually had been designed to function and something else likely needed fixed, to 'HEY LETS USE LINQ TO SQL APPARENTLY WITHOUT TESTING RELATIVE PERFORMANCE !!!!! AND WE'LL THROW SOME AD HOC QUERIES GENERATED BY MICROSOFT AT OUR SERVER INSTALLATION AND WATCH THE PERFORMANCE 'GAINS' THEN WE'LL BACKTRACK AND PUT STORED PROCEDURES BACK AND GENERATE HOOKS TO THEM LIKE A CLASSICAL DAL. JUST USING LINQ TO SQL'S CONTEXT OBJECT ! HURRAY I HAVE A BACHELORS AND 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE !'

There are so many details to fill in teaching the mindset of how to do things right in the first place is kind of expensive to begin with and you don't necessarily learn that in school working on common comp sci projects in academia. But they should have known better. I'm actually embarassed to list linq to sql on my resume as I think back.

  • 0
    @hitwright would you like to pretend to be my human friend ? :P
  • 0
    @HitWRight I could use a human friend right now.
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine It's a fine rant, I'll give you that. But actually pulling a lurker from the shadow is somewhat distrubing ;D
    My advice, stand on your own two feet, since friends come and go and you yourself is the one person you can trust without a doubt 😉
  • 0
    @HitWRight lurker eh ? :P speaking of which does this not seem familiar ? :P
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    @HitWRight i suppose she'd never want to have told someone that everything will be fine, and meanwhile hate that she knew it wouldn't be because matters were outside her control, would she ?

    god i feel crazy.
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    You know at first I thought you were here to cyberstalking a couple of people. Then I thought you were a shitpost bot.

    Apparently you're actually human.

    All I can say is every industry has it's own version of suck.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack or i'm an incredibly advanced version of tay, human ;)
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    @HitWRight btw isn't it strange you call yourself a lurker still.
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