What are you using for local environment? I'm stuck on xampp for 10 years. I realized that I'm having terrible pipeline from developing to production.

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    An local nginx that has an catchall for localhost and *.localhost.localdomain
    The rest depends on language itself.
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    I have worked with vagrant.
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    A VM that mirrors production as closely as possible.

    Using RemoteSSH with vsCode let's me build on the vm as if it was a local folder.
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    Try Laragon
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    Recently found out about ddev. Pretty cool If you are not afraid of docker.
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    Just a bunch of docker containers. I have some shared services like puppeteer for pdf generation and mailhog for email testing and then all the projects have their own requirements and docker compose files. Most of the time everything is just running on docker with hot reloading like nodemon for js or air for golang. I do sometimes debug bits and pieces directly tho. For real life testing telepresence and network splits are a life saver when you can forward live traffic from the cluster to your locally running process. But still docker.
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