Need my vaccine receipt to go to a wedding. And I’m in line to get the pdf document. On the one hand this is some cool implementation for a load balancer, on the other hand this so strange… be online in a line to get a document -.0

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    I think it's better than getting a constant 429 - too many requests.

    I love it...
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    queue-it.net - very apt
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    Put the PDF printer software in a scaleable container. Let it scale a lot. How hard is that? Or are they signing the PDF and adding a bunch of security? (Support for that is dubious)

    They should have done a SMART implementation and sent back a QR code on the PDF. Then we would have cross province scanning compatibility.

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    Be sure to show the gestapo your papers.
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    @irene pretty sure this is coming soon. The issue was that they were too ambitious and made it law yesterday that restaurant need to check your vaccine status or COVID state. But they haven’t actually finished building out the software for proper QR Code scanning a and such.
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    @sagemaker Such bullshit. They have a secure place to access them. They need to build a json payload. Then build it into a JWK signed with an EC cypher. They host the public key somewhere and that is referenced from within the payload. Encode it to a number and append shc:// to the start. Turn it into a QR code. Tada.

    If they wanted to they could just grab BC’s code because it is open source on GitHub and would be a simple deploy in any kubernetes instance.

    I built the same thing in node the other day in three hours. Honestly they don’t have an excuse.
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    Readers are open source. Just change the logo and submit to the app stores.


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    AWS Lambda Reserved Concurrency = 1
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    when i got vaccinated, there was a way to get registered online to "spare some time" in line. i had to fill a paper form there anyway, and they were sharing pens 🤦‍♀️
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