Damn life.
Life is very hard.
Social relationships are very difficult.
I am so lonely.
Not friendship.
Not a girlfriend.
All I have is my laptop.
My only companion is a laptop.
The only person sitting on my feet is my laptop.

Well, I'm a programmer, so what?
What kind of person am I?
What is the purpose of my creation?

  • 3
    Purpose of life is finding meaning in it.
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    You are a kind of person that's still alive

    Does it matter? Probably not so much. There are millions of ones like you.

    But if you're not special, why not just do something fun for yourself? Nothing will matter in the long run anyway. Relationships might come, or might not. It's does not really matter if you're having fun.
  • 3
    No friends? Well you have all us.
  • 2
    Join a Meetup about programming.
    You’ll not be widening your circle in terms of meeting people who aren’t in IT. But you’ll have common things to talk about and you’ll then get used to talking to people you don’t know. Then take it from there
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    My tip is to get so depressed, that you get pissed at yourself and start using a dating service and find a girl. And be always open and honest with her and ask the same of her. Spend as much time together as possible and have fun.

    Also start saying 'yes' more. It improves your life in the weirdest ways
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    @Hazarth so openly say that you're a worthless piece of meat? ๐Ÿค”
    Did that work?
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    yes man, you right.
    in fact i have fun actually.
    In the morning I am busy with work and programming.
    I study in the evening.
    I go to nature at the end of the day.
    I also Mountaineering on weekends.
    But the problem is that I do all this alone.
    And of course, this is not a problem for me, but for the old people I respect, it's a problem, and their talk about social relationships upsets me, and I think they're right.
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    @Wizard1997 that's not your problem, it's their.

    Why do you think it is an issue?
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    You'r right ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    now that I think about it
    its not a issue!
    I mean, peoples are different and I am such a person, so it is better for them to accept that I am different from others.
    And as you said, Relationships might come, or might not
    and I have no problem with that.
  • 3
    Find a girl, make a child, get mortgage, buy a house, find a lover mistress, divorce, move out, pay child support, get broken, get debt, go to jail, get out of jail, live on street, do drugs, start selling them, move to new house, find a girl, make a child…

    Just go out get drunk and start talking to people instead of laying in your bed and waiting for life to find you.
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    @iiii yes and no. I never thought of myself as worthless, just socially awkward... I said that openly, and it did work. honesty is the #1 sexy thing these days.
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    @Hazarth won't work with me, I guess.
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    @Nanos more the loss of real social contact. Being online isn't how social interaction works. Not at all.

    Plus the fun places all close down.

    Meh. Now I want to crawl in a nice hole... I miss my old pub. :(
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