
USA: you were born American, so you must pay American taxes even if you live and do business in some other country, or else say hello to the IRS. You know, we need money to feed our trillion dollar army (that can't handle protests and prevent civil casualties)

also USA: *prints two trillions of dollars in 10 months* Here's your $1200 stimulus package

  • 3
    the issue is not the printing of money when we have a leak in our economy, its that we don't have controllable exit points from the economy.

    reality is we're shaved down to about bare metal at this point and there really isn't any extra money in the country yet the landlords still expect their rent even with the layover which only helped people who were fucked over when their cover story for another recession hit (eg covid)

    money in money out.

    if you want to give people ubi for food and rent, you need to control rent, and manage repairs yourself and tax the fuck out of the centers where the money ends up to keep the balance in place and make sure people can cover their basic bills.

    its all kind of a joke anyway.
    in the end our country's economy is designed to be broken anyway. otherwise feudalism doesn't keep lurking in the shadows.
  • 5
    Say hello to inflation
  • 1
    @Devnergy yeah uncontrolled inflation would occur but we’ve had a deficit since the 1980s

    Inflation now seems more about greed as if you check the data cost related to employment on average had gone down on average since Obama

    Our average wage fell per hour

    So why would prices go up ?
    No calamities really struck other than a storm in Texas that caused some damage to oil refining

    Florida gets swept off the map constantly anyway so that could be viewed as a constant

    And inflation is usually caused by price increases that up cost or greed

    Where are the cost increases ?
    Brick and mortar stores should be dying out

    Amazon has become dominant
    Employment at a middle class wage should be dropping
    Manufacturing processes produce at an obscene rate
    And everyone is always out driving around eating up gas and destroying their vehicles everywhere

    I’m not sure about lending ..
  • 0
    Point is if demand drops across the board prices should fall
    And if layoffs are not happening left and right another point to check wages have stabilized likely
    Another point to check

    On the ground it doesn’t look like anyone is doing anything different

    Entertainment is faltering
    Supposedly strip clubs are closing
    Theaters likely aren’t doing so well
    But streaming services and isps should be booming
    All these people were running around with 600 a week in unemployment funds !
    A 1200 stimulus be damned that’s nothing
    And part of that is circular
    People spend the money
    Likely a nice percentage is dropped right back in the government
    The more times a dollar is spent via wage dispersal the more money ends up back in taxes

    It doesn’t make sense
    We should have hit an economic crisis by 2016

    But everyone was out partying
    And everyone was out buying
    And no one seems to be starving

    And the jails are still overflowing
    And the number of people getting stuck in the
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    Street with no one helping them doesn’t ever change it seems
    Construction is continuing everywhere

    Old houses are rotting however
    General cleanliness seems to be going by the wayside but still

    Drive drive drive drive

    When I don’t have any money I stay home or I drive less
    Gas is a major budget killer as are car repairs
  • 2
    Canada as well. Let's prop an already broken real estate in the process.

    Money printer goes brrr.
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    @AvatarOfKaine gas prices here in Asia are now expensive. We can also feel the US inflation here 🤯
  • 1
    @Devnergy and supposedly Dubai is a sham
    Glad they spent our money on something worthwhile
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    Question for you because I'm going to maybe move to Canada from USA

    How does taxes work exactly? I don't get double taxed on income, do I?
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm you pay taxes on income at the state and federal level

    Then you pay taxes into social security property taxes and if you run a business they hit you for other things

    There is also something called capital gains tax if you own a lot of property

    Additionally this is a repeat question but whatever

    Personally I’d never move to either of these god forsaken countries
    If you’re in Europe stay there
    This country sucks nowadays
    And Canada is colder than shit

    But anyway everything else in the USA is an ad valorem tax on purchases and the rest you see as price increases
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