Alright I beg your pardon. Everybody here seems somehow angry :/
I don't know the way things work here so I don't think it's a good idea to blame somebody for asking a stupid question.

  • 5
    @UnicornPoo the almighty unicorn poo has spoken!
  • 0
    @UnicornPoo these developers have definitely had problems when they first encountered tough challenges.
    So if you're not willing to help others, then you'd better keep it shut and let other experts help beginners out.
  • 5
    @Charlotteli There are a million better platforms for that purpose. You're entitled to nothing here.
  • 9
    We are angry devs from around the world, whom all share one thing in common, shitty jobs with shitty tech, with shitty half fucks that think they are devs but couldn't right a concise IF() statement of their life dependant on it, and with shitty management always wanting more then their willing to pay for, so yea, In a nutshell, WE, ARE, ANGRY!

    So we come here to vent, and laugh with or at the ventee and offer the ventee advice to unshit their shit.
  • 2
    @Charlotteli I am with @UnicornPoo here. Take your questions to any-fucking-where except here! We are here to rant and we will. No asshair can stop us from doing that. Fuck your entitlement and your stupid ass ideology. Fuck you with a plier! Take your whiny ass back to google, ask your diarrhoea questions there and jerk off to your piles coding style!
  • 1
  • 1
    @Charlotteli dear sir or madam, sit on a cactus. And bounce. This isn't a question and answer platform. Try code academy forums.

    Fuck off,
  • 0
    @demortes preach 🙌 yaaaas Queen
  • 0
    yes, this is devrant, but some people in this app are plain rude, and not just stressed
  • 0
    You can ask questions here, that is not against the rules or spirit of the platform,if you tag them appropriately.

    You may also receive useful answers because we have lots of very experienced devs who are either genuinely nice people or at least like admiration.

    You can't, however, complain about the anger, or tell people to shut up on the basis that they aren't being constructive. This is not a Q&A forum, being constructive is not a principle and your posts aren't your territory.
  • 0
    Abusive behavior is a different question, but as far as I can see the community seems to prefer ignoring assholes up to a reasonable limit.
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