*tries learning cpp after python*

My code all the time: we don't do that here

  • 4
    Coming from PHP, the opposite is kinda true for me. When I write JS, I know the semi-colon isn't *strictly* needed but I *must* end every statement with one. Or else it just doesn't feel right.
  • 3
    @nitnip I'll explain why ignoring ";" should feel kind of wacky (no judgment here, just time): JavaScript not always relies on whitespace to indicate the end of statement to allow multiline chaining, so if your semicolon-less statement is abruptly going to the line that starts with parentheses, it will be painful to debug (as if seeing line starting with round parenthesis wasn't painful already).
  • 1
    Try C. It's worse in a truly beautiful way.
  • 1
    Like not being able to properly create a variable list and send it to a function...
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