When your manager asks for, but ignores, your feedback on new developers after interviews, because "we need to hire so the project is done in 6 months"...

Proceeds to hire 4 junior front-enders with limited/non-existanttt Javascript experience...


  • 0
    How does one consider himself a Junior developer if they have never touched Javascript.
    It's like... the first thing a would be programmer learns these days..?
  • 0
    It will, not only, not be done in 6 months, as it will probably take like 12 months now...
  • 5
    What's your problem? More people mean more work is done!

    Easy equation. Do the math.
  • 2
    The mythical man month is in action here
  • 1
    and to your surprize those jubiors in 3 months will have a bigger sallary than you... mow that's #fml
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