How do you guys deal with tragedy?
My mother didn't, but almost lost her fingers today. I couldn't control myself, I panicked and cried harder than she did

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    It's one of the things I'm very good at being not good at it at all...

    I usually hold it in and rationalize it... Package it neatly tight up somewhere in my brain.

    Though this ends up usually with me being very emotional at some point because packing sth up very tightly isn't really solving the issues. Emotions need to be felt, be it grieve, anger, fear or whatever comes in your mind.
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    A lot of the time when something happens to you you're focused on getting through it rather than feeling anything... The reverse is true for anyone outside the situation. Take a breath and be glad she's ok
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    @katvoira that's a good way to think about it, thanks
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    Crying is not a sin, it just shows you care, so be a good person and love the most important person you have. Yourself! (By accepting its fine to cry about someone you love feeling bad)

    Then you continue being a good person and keep expressing that emotion showing compassion and love for said person, so give your mother a big hug and reassure her, maybe share how scared you were… that helps a lot bringing people closer!
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    It's a part of life. Just focus on what you still have, and memento mori.
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