I was tweaking with Flutter lately and pushed an app to the stores, the framework looks promising. So I wanted to do some contributions.

If you talk about create chat app with flutter, all you’ll find there is some firebase tutorials (Google is pushing it so hard).

I want an on-promise solution, so I used MQTT protocol to use it as chat protocol (with custom extension) and I created Flutter client for that. I am really happy for the concept, it shows some real strengths and could be a thing, so here I am sharing the repository here.

Any feedback will be welcomed.


  • 1
    Looks good.
    Have you started on the in-app notification yet? I've implemented the Firebase pm in to a couple of basic flutter apps, but I'm assuming you want to avoid Firebase?
  • 0
    Using FCM to only pushing notifications is not the same as using Firebase as the whole backend, so perhaps it’ll be an option.

    For the in app notifications, there is no external dependency needed, as the app is running and all I need os to show local notification on the right screen.
  • 2
    @Coffe2Code sounds like you've got it all covered. It should make a good package, especially if the notification works in other devices (browser, win app, mac os). And if the data is encrypted
  • 0

    Once I finish the core feature, I will publish it as a package.
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