
Flutter is SO fucking full of bugs holy fucking SHIT


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    Please elaborate, we might start a project in it, you could save us some agony...
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    @MM83 unless its just for fun, dont
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    We are close to completing our third app with Flutter next week. In my opinion it is the best cross platform solution for mobile out there at the moment when it comes to ease of picking it up, developer comfort and performance.

    I have yet to experience any massive issues (aside from the annoying App Store warning you get from a new project which is talked about in an open issue since 2018; has a workaround tho), honestly.
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    @jase-case Yes, afaik. It's like having to use some JVM language for Spring or some CLR language for .NET or Ruby for Rails.

    I wouldn't be surprised if that was to change eventually and there was more variety in language options to achieve similar results or actually target flutter, but for now it's really enjoyable to have a full toolchain designed to work with a language. Dart comes with its own formatter, linter and testing framework, so you don't have to spend hours configuring tooling to work together like for example in the JS world.
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    @gof6yogy try rendering emojis in a chat app using flutter and see what happens
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    We have displayed emojis in one of our projects in the past and it cleanly showed whatever the underlying OS was supposed to show for a certain Unicode character. Obviously some older devices don't support everything and just render an empty box to signal they don't know what to do but apart from that, it has been smooth sailing.
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    Well I contribute to flutter project quite some time now , I have to admit that the null safety is somehow a joke and most packages are deprecated. Just a minor issue.


    It depending how you code it man... For instance most of the Dev complain about how slow the navigation.page is , but try routing instead. Don't use too much of widgets.

    For example if you want to have padding only , please don't use container for it . I see a lot of people complaining container is slow for padding. Yes it is, that's why there's a widget call padding. Use container only necessary. Same thing with expanded , use only when necessary.

    Also use *const * for a constant value. This is important.
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    @b2plane well my company build in house app before , the chat application. The rendering don't take much time. It depending on how you code it to be honest.
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