I am not exactly densensitized.... I still get mad and am bothered by the subject but it’s more like irritation or stabbing woeful sadness that takes away joy from seeing what you people are

So yeah I’m pretty desensitized

  • 0
    You want to lay off watching your O.C. boxsets, it's not healthy to consume that much O.C.
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    @AvatarOfKaine that TV show from the early 00s about young, pretty people in Orange County.

    As if you didn't know.
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    @MM83 now reminded yeah but i never watched it lol
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    @MM83 been to orange county though
    not pretty people mostly assholes pretending to be republicans lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine if they're assholes then they're already doing a pretty good job of the impression.
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    @MM83 lol same could be said about the democrats in that state and most of the west in general lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine indeed. I'm not even American, from here they look like two cheeks of the same arse for the most part. The rep cheek is flabbier and has a few dried skidmarks on it though.
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    @MM83 they're fake too.

    reality is californias recent history in the 1900s and earliers makes it nothing our country should EVER consider to be model for civilization. they are EVIL people.

    They are slavers.
    They are pimps
    Half of them are rich ass pedophiles who aren't the slavers and pimps
    Many of their slaves are pedos.

    Its a horrible place that presents a nice face to anyone who doesn't physically end up there with no money. much like colorado pretends to be progressive and wyoming pretends to be manly and conservative.

    the areas to the west are alllll dirty filthy places and the source of the corruption that exploded onto the rest of the country.
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    @AvatarOfKaine ....aaaaand he's onto talking about paedos again
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    @MM83 ok how about something you would believe even though the rest is far from unbelievable.

    they practiced castration or negative eugenics into the 1970s

    they deported a shit ton of americans to mexico who were legally there way back

    they treated oklahomans like slave labor, for real
    as of 2004 the average salary of a low level worker was the same as the east coast but the rent was 4x higher

    they engage in human trafficking to pay sex offenders working in the porn industry

    they sent the national guard in to outright kill black people, men women and children during some of the original riots resulting from the harassment of their police officers

    the whole state is basically a money trap and its a money trap that bankrolled organized crime for decades

    they kicked their own people into the street pretty much during the 2008 recession which led to everyone else complaining nearby instead of helping them

    etc etc etc
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    @MM83 on the other note kind of interesting the number of whores who came out and complained about abuses they were contracted to endure by various celebrities eh ? or paid to keep quiet about ?

    because that's actually what has been happening.

    but just like the philadephian cop talking about the girl getting raped on the subway who actually wasn't raped in the repeat but likely was in the original run, its them talking out the ass to get more control, not because they give a shit.
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    @AvatarOfKaine dude I don't know what you're even talking about, I just wanted you to know that O.C.-overindulgence is a hidden pandemic of its own
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    @MM83 ohhh. ok :) point taken.
    sorry didn't mean to launch into a tangent on the evil empire consuming my country's soul that lures you in with large breasted women and runs off some strange set of operating parameters to which they keep people ignorant to disguise and normalize themselves.
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    @MM83 ohhh you're saying i'mmmm overindulging, not living in a dystopian society with my eye keenly trained on its underbelly.
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    @AvatarOfKaine I think we'd disagree on almost every point of detail but the contention that 'American culture is a fucked mess' - on this I think we can agree.

    Let's not forget which country created The O.C.
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    @MM83 haha you really hate the oc don't you ? LOL strangely i never saw it lol
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    @AvatarOfKaine no, I quite liked it, but anything is dangerous when taken to excess, and some people just can't consume things in moderation.
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    @MM83 I wish i had a house of attractive young people who shut up and took things from me sigh.
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    @AvatarOfKaine exactly, my friend, you've gone too far, and now the OC has poisoned your mind. You see Sandy Cohen on every corner.

    Take a break from it. Watch Sex and the City.
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    @MM83 why to sensitize myself to young women ? Lol

    Anyway unfortunately I literally am truly seeing whoever that was on every corner
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