Hey...just wondering...

In Germany its quite common for M$ nazis to call Windows "Windoof" , which means Win-stupid...

I'm not aware of anything similar in English or other languages...And that can't be ;)

Enlighten me please!

  • 6
    I don't know, man... Isn't just "windows" bad enough? Hahaha
  • 6
    I've seen Win-doze, Win-blows, etc.
  • 6
    Doof... Doofenshmirtz. Oh god. This sudden Phineas and Pherb realisation hit me hard.
  • 2
    In Argentina there is Microchot, with "chot" being part of a slang expletive that means both penis and "of very low quality".
  • 0
    @MAGNUMpt my childhood.
  • 0
    Win BSOD (Bluescreen of death)
  • 1
    I've seen some Dutch say 'windhoos', which means landspout.
  • 2
    We say Windaube in France. Mean win bad basically.
  • 2
    In Poland some people call it Winzgroza. It means something like Win horror.
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