
The sound of your $1500 MacBook crashing into the hard tile floor from a very tall breakfast bar...

Why are we babysitting this kid again?

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    hahaha! Just offered to babysit my nephews...reconsidering now.
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    I hope an can teach my son programming one day.
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    My kids like it when I compiling stuff. So much happening on the screen
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    Why are YOU leaving your expensive hardware and the kid unattended?
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    Yeah, it is OP that need a babysitter
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    He was not unattended. My girlfriend was with him throwing dog toys for the dog.
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    So you threw things inside? Lol
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    @Linux did you see myself mentioned in that sentence at all? No. Obviously if I said that I heard it... not seen it.. I was not present.
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    @fyroc i'd still call that unattended, i rarely even trust colleagues or friends around my stuff, then again i moght just be increadibly paranoid about my hardware.
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    @Bacontaskmaster So you won't your laptop in your own home... with your own girlfriend who lives in the same house as you?
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    Well, your girlfriend threw things around when your expensive computer was near.

    You cant really blame the kid
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    @fyroc that completely depends on her respect for the hardware. She can be around it, but not pick it up for me (she puts it down hard enough to harm the HDD) also i need to either warn or hold my charging cable any time she goes near it because of me knowing how prone she is to tripping over objects.

    Yes i am paranoid, but where i have seen others break multiple devices in their lifetime, i have so far only broken 1 due to my own stupity (phone was out it's protective case and i made a stupid hand movement sending it flying off the table) but that phone was weeks away from replacement anyway.

    If i don't trust it, i will store away my stuff before leaving the room, no joke.
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    Haha, I know that! My wife is the same!
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    You guys need new jobs and to back up your data if you're that paranoid. I can easily replace it and my entire hard drive is backed up every night.

    I've learned in life that accidents happen.
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    That is why I have backup replicated om 4 different locations.
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    @Bacontaskmaster @fyroc 2 locations, 1 offsite, but same. Doesn't mean i have money to splurge on new hardware though :P
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