Is anybody here applying for Google Summer of Code 2017?

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    Which topic/mentor are you choosing ?
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    @sam9669 dnn in cmusphinx with bhiksha raj... what about you?
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    Python for aima/ other relevant organizations and are 2 participants allowed for one project ?
    And the pay gets divided ?
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    Might sign up for an AI course? Do they accept 14 year olds?
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    @calmyourtities nope 18 years and older
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    Can anyone help me out ....I wanna know how should I prepare for gsoc 2018.i hv time and m currently learning python for machine learning (will that help).I already know abt the basic tools which I hv to learn such as git on Linux.but what else should i learn . I m a beginner at programming.i really need help on how find out bugs in long codes
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