
Why?! Just why do you use Bootstrap if you create a new css file to overwrite Bootstrap?!

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    In what way? Just use parts of both bootstrap, other frameworks and your own files
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    @nicnaknic in the way like completely overwrite button styling but still use .btn.btn-default. Overwriting col-md-offset-1 to not have the margin. So it was easier to not use it then overwriting it.
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    @BrianK ahhh, over writing the classes, I thought u me at just not using the file in general
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    Maybe they want to keep the option of swapping out their custom css with a bootstrap skin later on, so they reuse the class names?
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    @codetinkery no not really. The one who implemented Bootstrap didn't understand any shit of it
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    @Letmecode so true. I'll check that. Thanks
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    I like Bootstrap because it tries to keep browser compatibility while giving you the responsive grid system. True its opinionated, but if you just override styling choices like button colors, alerts, etc... you should still get the benefits. Like most frameworks it gives you the starting tools which you use and override what you need specifically different. Also it speeds up the process of designing your own grid system by quite a lot so it makes tedious work less tedious.
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    @Letmecode I would love to check out what you have created, I bet others would too.

    Thanks for the tip on Milligram.

    Gridiculous works great too.
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    @DLMousey yeah that's true. But it's not intended to overwrite padding and margins from foundational stuff like cols etc.
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    @DLMousey yeah. So removed it all and made it consistent all the way
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