Tried WinUI 3 (successor to UWP if I am not mistaken) and it's only a preview at the moment but god DAMN it is awful.

  • 3
    Every time I try to do something basic like set the window title or window min height or a control's cursor it's all just GitHub issues about "Still not implemented hehehe"
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    What happened to 1 and 2?
  • 2
    @donuts hi early not a clue what the fuck 1 was. I think 2 was UWP or closely related.
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    Seems it's another attempt at cross platform shared components... Which I thought was UWP...

    And seems the is the 3rd version of it...

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    I think win32 was 1
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    UWP is still far superior performance, resources and features wise
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    i thougth maui is the new shit
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    I love C#, Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code and I find Windows a good general purpose OS but I hate which Microsoft needs to introduce a new application framework every few years while Apple after MacOS X introduced a single application framework based on Objective C and Storyboards and incrementally improved it with retro compatible increments (Swift and then SwiftUI).
    No wonder which most apps on MS Windows are Electron trash.
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    @coffeeholic maui is the new xamarin shit
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    @DEVil666 am i worng or every new major version of swift introduced several breaking changes?
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    @dontbeevil yeah, Swift has this downside, when I said “backyards compatible” I meant which you can call ObjC libraries and code from Swift but I know which Swift is not always backwards compatible with itself. But I find fixing some language syntax the lesser of the two evils if compared keep learning new frameworks and to see your entire code base becoming suddenly legacy because Microsoft reinvented the wheel for the 9th time.
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    @DEVil666 people is over reacting, you can reuse (almost) all .Net, even mix c#, vb and c++, the XAML syntax is really similar, if you move from WPF your XAML needs changes, but if you update from UWP, you should literally just update the project file and the namespaces
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    @dontbeevil maui should be cross platform as I heared
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    @coffeeholic yes as it was Xamarin, it's just the new xamarin version with a rebrand and some new "big" stuff
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    Yeah to me it has felt like there's only a handful of devs working on WinUI. Nothing wrong with the idea, but its taking ages for minor improvements.

    There's not even a designer for it, after I dunno 2 years?

    Still the PowerToys and new Terminal have been developed with it if Im not mistaken, and they're pretty good.
  • 1
    @jkommeren considering WinUI 3 only has in-application acrylic effects available and windows terminal has desktop /background acrylic effects, I'm assuming they didn't use a whole lot of the actual WinUI stuff and instead did a lot of heavily lifting themselves.
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