
It was my Java teacher's last semester before he bailed to a different school.

All the machines had different versions of needed software or just didn't have them at all. He would try to teach like we all had it and we should just take notes because installing would take too long.

He would rapid fire different technologies and then drop them lie flies, so we learned nothing about any of them.

At the end of the semester, almost nothing had been graded (my roommate never even knew his final grade, last he saw it was a '*')
He assigned the final exam project on Thursday afternoon of the last week of school, and it required every technology he thought he used in the course.

I came out with a D, somehow, couldn't ask why because he left already. A lot of people had D's or worse, but it was what they needed in order to move on or graduate or whatever so there wasn't enough of a group to get it corrected by student affairs.

Fun times.

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    @PhantomBKB the dude knew his stuff, but he needed to be teaching higher level courses rather than intro courses. It wasn't a good fit for him, you could tell.
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