
So f*king stressed out!

3 weeks passed at new job and I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing. My PRs got tons of comments and I still can't finish a tiny ticket that should be very easy but it's in a stack that I have almost 0 knowledge about. I feel so incompetent and afraid that I won't pass the probation. 😥

The stress hit so hard that I can't eat, feeling nausea every morning and can't sleep well at all. I question myself if I'm too stupid to be a developer, should I just give up?


Argh this is so bad!

  • 4
    I feel you. Took me several month after starting at my first company to accept that you will probably never stop making embarrassing mistakes, but when you stop stressing out about that you can significantly lower their upcoming rates.
  • 9
    Mate, 3 weeks is nothing! I maintain it takes people around a year to fully settle into a new role and start performing at their best.

    Lots of comments on PRs aren't bad either, especially if you're new. That's what that process is for - to get feedback and make sure your contributions are as good as they can be. I'd far sooner be working somewhere like that than somewhere where all PRs are just blindly approved, and no-one really cares about the quality of contributions.

    It can be overwhelming, it can feel like it's too much - but stick with it. If you're worried about passing probation or something like that, ask your manager how you're getting on, and what you can do to improve - that shows initiative as well as helps you develop. I'm sure you'll doing great!
  • 5
    Same I felt with my new job.

    The imposter syndrome is real. It makes me feel that I am not good enough.

    Trust yourself. Trust your skills. Look at the past data, on how you felt the same and yet not only your survived but grew in such circumstances.

    Sending you a virtual hug :)

    Hang in there dude.. this too shall pass.

    I am nearly 6 months in my new job and still feel like shit for not knowing anything. My tech team keeps pushing me down while management is super impressed with my performance.

    So just make sure your supervisor knows about your performance and you are aligned with their expectations.
  • 3
    Thanks everyone so much for the support!
  • 1
    @osq-ppp Oh, and I promise you there's absolutely no reason to censor your language on this platform 🙃
  • 1
    3 weeks don't seem like much. It usually takes months to get somewhat comfortable with the new codebase.
  • 1
    Well shit. I’m about to start my first developer job next Monday. I know the code but do I know it enough?! I mean I passed the coding assessment they sent me. My team seems pretty chill and helpful. I hope I don’t get imposter syndrome too bad.
  • 1
    @Blernnn I'm obviously not in a position to be able to give you any advice lol but just wanna say congrats and Goodluck!! 🤞
  • 1
    @osq-ppp and good luck with yours!
  • 0
    if they fire you it is because of your attitude not amout of work you finished.

    Have good attitude, learn as much as possible put the effort in and you are good.

    If they end up firing you, which I don't think so, you would learn a ton in that probation month. This newly added skill you can showcase elswhere
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